National association of resource teachers.


Stand By Me project

Posted on 2022-05-10

The National Association of Resource Teachers (NARU) is a partner in the Stand By Me project, implemented by the Ilgi Otizm Derneği in Ankara (Turkey) and HURID (Croatia), in the framework of the Civil Society Dialogue between Turkey and the EU, EuropeAid program. The project envisages a study visit with our EU partners in a chosen country to see EU practices and meet with various experts for the development of a teaching assistant training program. A workshop with stakeholders, experts and partners will then take place, and a training program for teaching assistants will be developed. After that, 20 young Turkish specialists will be trained in 60 hours of theoretical training and 24 hours of practice, and will be piloted for the first time as an assistant teacher in Turkey. NARU will share its experience in the field by presenting the handbook The Teachers Assistant in Inclusive Education ( An information campaign will be held, including publications in social networks and an information brochure for students and graduates in child development specialties, as well as other materials to raise the awareness of educators and parents.

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Register of Resource Teachers and Professionals

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Stand By Me project

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The National Association of Resource Teachers (NARU) is a partner in the Stand By Me project, implemented by the Ilgi Otizm Derneği in Ankara (Turkey) and HURID (Croatia), in the framework of the...

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