National association of resource teachers.


Games for Improving Affectivity in Youngsters with Intellectual Disabilities (GIAff4ID)

Posted on 2022-10-14

Project Acronym: GIAff4ID

Project Start Date: October 1st  2022

Project End Date: November 30th 2024

The project is funded by the Erasmus + program.


The implementation of GIAff4ID will produce high-quality materials for youth workers looking to engage Young Persons With Intellectual Disabilities (YPWID) on Sexual and Affectivity Education and Health. Taking into account the existence of different learning abilities, the contents will be developed in the form of Game-Based Learning Activities, accompanied on instructional materials for their implementation, with the goal of fostering inclusion and awareness on the subject.


The activities implemented will be based on desk and field research, and will involve a variety of stakeholders. The implementation of GIAff4ID will see a phase of interviews, collection of good practices, online research, and design of Game-Based Learning Activities on the topic of Sexual and Affectivity Education. The collection of resources will be documented by national and a European report, and will be tested during the piloting phase in the form of laboratories.


The results will be stemming from three Work Packages: WP2 will be producing a Guidance Toolkit for youth workers based on Interviews with YPWID, and WP3 will result in a Games’ compendium with Instructional Materials on how to implement them based on collection of Good Practices and games design: combined together, the results of the WPs represent a training kit for GIAff4ID’s target groups. To ensure accessibility, materials will be translated in the Partners’ national languages.

Target groups

The primary target group of GIAff4ID is youth workers and youth workers’ associations engaging with YPWID. By youth worker, it is meant an individual that works with young people to facilitate their personal, social, and educational development through informal education or care. In particular, we are seeking out youth workers that engage with YPWID in informal activities, and that are looking to approach the subject of sexual education and affectivity. GIAff4ID’s results are developed in order to fit youth workers’ and youth workers associations’ needs when involving YPWID on the topic of sexual and affectivity education and health.

Moreover, the concrete results of GIAff4ID can be adapted to be used also by families or caregivers of YPWID, which are the secondary target group of the project. Traditionally, it is the role of the family, or of the primary caregivers, to introduce sexual education and health topics to adolescents, and for this reason they will be able to use the GBLA developed on the subject.

In addition, another target group of this proposal are YPWID, that will be involved not only in the testing phase foreseen during the laboratories, but also during the preparatory phase to establish needs, expectations, and level of knowledge. Participation of YPWID and their inclusion as target group in this project is fundamental to the achievement of the objective of providing relevant materials for youth workers to implement.


GIAff4ID is inspired by the need to shift the discourse around sexual education for YPWID from negative to positivefreedom, from protection from harm, to positive actions that allow the enjoyment of Sexual and Reproductive Health and  Rights. In fact, persons with disabilities’ sexuality is mostly discussed in terms of protection from abuse and violence, towhich they are more vulnerable. It is certainly an important discussion to have, although it is as relevant to ensure thatYPWID are equipped with the same sexual education as their peers, because it allows integration in society andindependence over this part of their life. GIAff4ID wants to break stereotypes around sexual education and affectivity of

YPWID, demonstrating that disability is a union of a physical or mental impairment and a barrier. Dismantling the barrieraround sexual education for YPWID, GIAff4ID will show that gaining independence over choices regarding healthy sexual orsentimental relationships is not only possible, but also that increases participation and involvement in community life. In thecontext of this project, true inclusion in society comes from creating systems in which YPWID are encouraged to takedecisions related to how they relate to their bodies and their emotions independently. The key element to ensure this is toprovide high-quality education, spreading information in a way that takes into consideration different abilities and learningneeds. This Consortium designed the project with the idea that it is important not only to share the right materials, but also tocreate content that is customizable to varied abilities, and can be adapted to different backgrounds and contexts. FundingGIAff4ID will mean give the possibility to provide Activities that resonate and allow exploring of issues that are important toYPWID in their own terms. The project seeks to develop these game-based Activities while, at the same time, producematerials for youth workers on how to use them and adapt them to the context they work in. Training youth workers willcontribute to building networks and increasing sharing of good practices among youth associations working in this field. Thecore idea of the games and materials designed is to provide youth workers with the right materials and the right mindset-freefrom stereotypes and incorrect beliefs- to equip YPWID with key concepts and lexicon about sexuality, affectivity, and

relationships in a relatable way. Approving the project would be an important step in creating a system where sexual andaffectivity education enables YPWID to enforce their right to creating their own family or simply to live relationships havingthe right tools to express themselves. With GIAff4ID’s activities, youth workers would be able to see YPWID becomeadvocates of their own -and their peers’- needs, which will be constantly be the fundamental core of all the project


NART (Bulgaria) – Lead

CRES Centro di Ricerche e Studi Europei - future business (Italy)

European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (Belgium)

Associacio Programes Educatius Open Europe (Spain)

Zihinsel Yetersiz Cocuklari Yetistirme ve Koruma Vakfi (Turkey)

European Institute for Local Development (Greece)

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